Understanding Codependence in Communication
Does it sometimes seem as if what you’re saying is being completely reorganized into something not even remotely close to what you said? What happens to you in these moments? It is so important to the Codependent healing journey to stay connected to your inner world in these moments of not feeling understood or heard.

The Importance of Listening to Yourself
YOU are the number one most important person for YOU to hear. If you can hear [and understand] the projections & interpretations that outweigh your intuition in your Codependent moments, then you will have a shot at hearing what landed in the other person’s ears. Module 4 of The Listening Workshop, is about what I call, “The Lyrics, The Music & The Mood.” There are many layers to what is spoken.
There are the ‘lyrics’ or the words. There is the ‘music’ or the inflection of the voice. There is the ‘mood’ or the emotionality behind the words. Which part of you are hearing them say are you reacting to? Are you connected to what you are saying both literally with your words and with your emotions and your body?
Navigating Layers of Meaning in Conversations
In the Conscious Codependence™ Process, we build & strengthen your skillset of hearing what is going on inside of you so that you can stay connected to yourself and the other person in any given communication. As a result, you can hear & feel what happens in your body when you don’t feel heard. If we disconnect from our body while having a traumatic interpretation of what someone else is saying, then we lose our ability to hear and be heard.
Also read about Online therapy for codependency
Cultivating Presence and Curiosity in Relationships
When you are not feeling heard, please get into communication with yourself. Pause and listen to your own inner world. Notice your truths and your interpretations. A pause brings presence and presence brings pause. When you know and feel that you are speaking from a presence with yourself, then you can practice curiosity of the other.
Curiosity generates connection. In our presence and sovereignty there is no need to prove, defend or repress. Ask and connect into what they heard you say. Leave space for investigation and interpretation. Codependence stops at interpretation. Sovereignty and independence of being takes the time to discern truth from interpretation.